Monday, November 30, 2009

The gas rush in Bradford County

During a recent trip to the wilds of Bradford County PA we say a number of operating gas wells and even more drill rigs. 7000 feed below is the ground, the Marcellus Shale underlies much of the Appalachian Basin. The gas wells are being drilled 6000 to 7000 feed down and then up to 6 wells from each hole are drilled horizontally 4000 feet or more into the shale.

The wells are springing up across Bradford County like mushrooms after a spring rain, and producing a number in instant millionaires in the bargain. Think "The Beverly Hillbillies" To my great dismay, we are not among them.

A cold day at the Gap

Today my fellow Honor Guard members from VFW Post 23 were privileged to provide military honors for the funerals of seven veterans. Today's weather was cold, wet, and windy...looks like it's time for the winter uniforms! The picture is from a funeral a few weeks ago when the weather was a bit nicer!

Regardless of the weather, it is an honor and a privilege to be able to help provide the military honors at Indiantown Gap National Cemetery.

Schaefferstown weather is back!!'s true!! The weather station at Radio Free Schaefferstown is back on the air, and the Internet!! We actually have two weather stations up and at home and one at the cabin. The links are available at Http:// Enjoy!!