Mr. and Mrs. N3HCP have bought a cabin in a secluded areas of northern Pennsylvania. There is electrical and phone service, but no water or sewer on the 2.5 acres the cabin sits on. So, in the future we will be able to report on weather and other interesting happenings both here in Schaefferstown, but at the undisclosed location of the cabin. Undisclosed location?? You bet. As an unabashed survivalist, the cabin is not only our get away spot, but also our bug-out retreat. As such, the location needs to be kept secret from all but a trusted few. Call me paranoid, but when TEOWAWKI (the end of the world as we know it) comes, you're on your own! While urbanites are fighting over food scraps in the streets, we will be warm and comfy somewhere in the wilds of up-state PA.
Is this the same undisclosed location that Dick Cheney uses?
"Is this the same undisclosed location that Dick Cheney uses?"
I could tell you, but then I'd have to...well, you know!!
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