Yes,I have cabin fever. I need to get to the cabin in the worst way...but the weather's not with me. As near as I am able to tell, the roads to the cabin are passable, with 4WD. There is somewhere between 8 and 12 inches of snow and ice on the ground making the lane into the cabin a bit of a challenge, to say the least. I can deal with the cold if I could get there, but that's not looking good for the next couple weeks. Come on Spring!!!
Can you say "SNOWMOBILE"?
SNOWMOBILE...there, I said it. I'd love to have one, but it's not really practical. The cabin gets into the teens below zero inside, so all "freezables" need to be carried in and out. Even for a short stay, that's a lot of trips to the truck and trailer that are parked 5 miles away in New Albany!
They make sleds that can tow behind the snowmobile! Any more lame excuses????
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