Friday, November 30, 2007

Weekend storm

I’ve been looking at the forecast runs this morning trying to get a handle on the weekend storm. At this point Saturday night into Sunday afternoon looks like a mixed bag. The air at the surface doesn’t look cold enough to support much snow and freezing rain. Ice pellets, on the other hand, could be a problem. I’m actually more interested in Sunday evening into Monday morning. Some of the models seem to indicate a snow event later Sunday. We’ll see…

Thursday, November 29, 2007

And now a word from our sponsor...

OK, it's not the sponsor, but here's the commercial anyway. I'm talking about Lebanon County Christian Ministries, now and hereafter referred to as LCCM. Among other services, LCCM operates the local food ban, where both my wife and I volunteer. Check out the web site at .

The food bank is always in need of donations...nonperishable food, personal care items, paper products, anything you buy every week at the grocery store. We will gladly accept contributions from individuals as well as churches, businesses, anyone who wants to give.
Readers in other areas, don't despair. Most places have some sort of food bank to which you can donate. Just pick up a few extra items the next time you go grocery shopping and drop them off. It will be appreciated!

Broken leg update

The leg continues to heal. The only restriction is stay off the roof , imposed my Mrs. N3HCP, or as we say in the ham radio world, the XYL (eX Young Lady)! I also need to use the bone stimulator 10 hours a day. Hopefully, that will be over after the next doctor appointment in early January. It's been an interesting experience, but one I don't care to repeat any time soon.

The blog is back!'s true! The blog is back! Yes, I know blogs are self serving, egocentric, and of little socially redeeming value. But, let's face it...that's a good description on me!

OK...on to the important stuff. Now that we have a DSL connection, I have been able to bring the weather station back on line. As some of you might remember, a few years ago I poster weather data on my web page, until the computer that was running it went up in smoke...literally!

The new setup is a bit more sophisticated. It will post the local weather data to the web page, that APRS radio network, and the the Weather Underground web site. The local web page is updated once a minute.

Now what you've all been waiting for (insert drum roll and dramatic music here)...the URL to the new and improved Schaefferstown Weather Web Site......
This is mostly a page of links to other pages. The local stuff is at the top, but don't forget to scroll down. There's some good stuff toward the bottom too. ENJOY!!