Thursday, January 29, 2009

Two weeks without power?

Yep...some places hit by yesterday's ice storm could be without power of two weeks or more.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Missed again.

Once again what could have been a decent snow storm has turned into a wet, cold mess. As has been the norm this winter, and to quite an extent, the past few winters, we were tight on the rain/snow line. Last evening we got a couple inches of snow. By morning, it had changes to ice pellets and freezing rain. By noon on Wednesday the surface temperature had risen above freezing so what little ice accumulation there was is melting fast. Oh, weel, maybe next time...

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Two days in Bradford Co.

N3HCP decides to take advantage of the two warmest days in over a month to visit the cabin and do a little work. The coal stove got a work out, and with a little help from a kerosene heater, was able to maintain a 50 degree difference between inside and outside. There was about 8 inches of snow on the ground. It's truly amazing how quiet it is out in the woods with fresh snow on the ground to absorb the sound...especially at night! The temperature there tonight is below zero, so it good I came home when I did!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The colderst weather so far.

It looks like we are in for the coldest weather so far this winter, and maybe the coldest we will see this season. Right now here at Radio Free Schaefferstown it's 19 degrees and dropping. The wind is holding at about 5 to 7 MPH. I'll be sure to report the coldest temperature we see here...stay tuned!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Another shameless "commercial" ---Encore Presentation

Here's the link:

Gary's Schaefferstown, Bradford and Sullivan Co, weather, and other interesting stuff Blog: Another shameless "commercial"...#links

For those of you who have seen this before, yes this is a repeat post. Hay, if it's good enough for NBC to run repeats, why not me?

Anyway, take a look. The food bank where we volunteer has fallen on the same hard times as all the rest of us. The number of clients we are called on to serve is up. At the same time donations are mostly down. We continue to receive much of our help from the local churches and we offer them our deepest thanks. At the same time some of our biggest commercial sponsors have found it necessary to cut back. The stores are more careful how much bread they bake every day, leaving less and less day-old bread for us. Other suppliers have likewise had to cut back.

The bottom line is WE NEED YOUR HELP!! If you support us at Lebanon County Christian Ministries, of some other food bank or pantry, please consider helping us out. When you buy your groceries, just add a couple cans of soup, a can of Spam (Yea..I love that stuff), or any other nonperishable stuff and get it to us. Thanks so much, from all of us!!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Snow for the weekend?

It looks like we may be in for the first real snow of the winter on Saturday. The current predication models (Thursday evening) look like about 3/4 of an inch of liquid precipitation. If that's all snow we could be looking at 7 to 8 inches. We'll see.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Ice storm!

Things are coming together to provide Central PA with another ice storm. The exact track of the storm is still a bit up in the are, but as much as a half inch or more accumulation of ice is possible. power outages are also a real possibility.

We all have out generators checked out and fueled up...right???

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Yet another blog!

I'm playing around with a new blog. It is, as always, a work in progress so suggestions and comments are welcome. Check it out at


Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all you bloggers out there!!