Friday, November 21, 2008

Welcome to winter!

All of a sudden it's winter in PA!! Most areas got at least a little snow in the last day. Here in Schaefferstown we received about 3 inches of lake-effect snow. The temperatures took a nose dive too, resulting in highway freeze-ups and the inevitable rash of accidents.

Right now, it looks like we can expect a slight warm up toward the end of the weekend, followed by another cold snap Monday into Tuesday. There is some indication of a blocking pattern developing that would keep the cold air around for at least several days later in the week. We'll see...and, oh ya...let's be careful out there!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Closed for the season. The reason? It's freezin!!

On Monday I went to the cabin to check out the recently completed repairs and additions and to close up the cabin for winter. While I was there the temperature was in the 30s and there were a couple snow squalls, just enough to let me know winter has arrived! The weather station continues to function, showing temperature, wind speed, and rainfall. It's available at

I have to give a plug for BGE Construction from Dushore. Ben and J.R. did a remarkable job, especially in light of the awful condition the porch roof was in at the beginning! That new roof will be there long after we're not! Thanks, guys!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Winter comes to Bradford County

Last Tuesday, October 28, the northern counties of Pennsylvania had something of a freak snowstorm. Some areas received 6 inches plus. By the time we arrived Saturday evening all but some small patches in the woods were gone.

We spent three nights in the cold north woods (the temperature at the cabin runs, on average 6 to 10 degrees lower then Schaefferstown and a least a couple degrees lower then surrounding reporting stations). It's location allows cooler air to drift down from the nearby mountains on nights with little or no wind. It's also 1600 feet higher on elevation. As a general rule, you can reduce the temperature by 3 degrees for every 1000 foot increase in elevation.

I'm not so sure about these slippers in the woods during hunting season!!

The guys from BGE Construction in Dushore have started the next round of cabin enhancements.
A new set of steps have been added and repairs to the long-neglected porch roof are underway!