Saturday, June 28, 2008

Cabin update...

Ms. Nettie and I were at the cabin last week. There were a number of firsts in a couple of days. It was the first night Ms. Nettie spent at the cabin. The beds consist of an old frame with a piece of 3/4 inch plywood and a very old mattress inside a plastic mattress bag. Sleeping is done in a sleeping bag, thus eliminating the need for sheets and blankets. She said it was the best night's sleep she's had in weeks! With no Moon it's very dark there in the hills and the silence is defining!! The very definition of "getting away from it all".

In the morning we had our first cooked breakfast, bacon and eggs, of course (how cool is that?). Later that morning the chimney guy came and was able to repair the thimble between the stove and chimney so the new stove can be used.

We are beginning to put our own touches on the place, making it "ours".

New pictures have been added to the cabin web site at:

Stay tuned!

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