Thursday, September 18, 2008

Bradford County Weather Now on-line!'s true! You can now check out the weather in southern Bradford County form the comfort of your computer! We installed an old weather station and APRS radio set-up (the apprentice has been in mothballs for at least 7 or 8 years) at the cabin. It checks limited weather parameters every 10 minutes and broadcast then, via ham radio, into the APRS radio network. The radio traffic is then picked up and sent to the web for all to see. The link is:
The perimeters recorded are temperature, wind speed, and rain since midnight. Because this is a very old weather station, some things don't work as they should. The wind direction part of the anemometer has failed, and the rain gauge only reports in .1 inch increments. The system expects .01 inch, so the reading from the station needs to be multiplied by 10 to get the correct rain fall amount. It is my hope that this set-up will survive long enough to prove that a weather station at the cabin is a viable idea. Hopefully I will be able to improve it later.

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