Sunday, May 18, 2008

A blast from the past.

I just heard from an old colleague from my Air Force days. It's hard to believe that was over 35 years ago!! Seems like yesterday. It's also amazing to realize how much things have changed over that time. Back in those days we were always on the alert for those pesky Russian Bear bombers sneaking over the North Pole. We always had a couple birds on the ready line to go up and save the day!

My nephew Keith is now following in my foot steps and is serving in the Air Force...but with a twist. Instead of freezing important body parts off in the wilds of northern Maine with only moose for company, he is stationed in warm, sunny Italy. Oh, well, I must console myself with the fact that I served back when men were men and airplanes were held together with bailing wire and spit...and we kept them in the air!

You Can follow Keith's exploits on my brother's blog at

1 comment:

Alan and Barb said...

In your old age you forgot he spent two years freezing in Mt Home Idaho without even the moose you had to keep you company! All he had was tumbleweed.